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Can MLMs sell common products?

Occasionally you’ll see an anti-MLMer complaining that MLM products are overpriced for what they are. They’ll say you can buy similar or identical products off a store shelf for less. They’re not entirely wrong—it’s common for MLM products to cost more than their counterparts in discount stores. You can get an essential oil for $12…

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The Huge Role of MLM Product

It’s difficult to overstate the importance of the actual product in any MLM company. Every company with long-term success was built on great products and on customer loyalty to those products. Any success a company achieves without both of those things is fleeting at best. But it’s not enough for a direct seller to have…

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Persuasion Strategies: Authority

”I am not a doctor, but I play one on TV” Robert Young (Dr.Welby, M.D) Maybe you remember the television commercial from the 1970s. Back then physicians and lawyers were not allowed to appear in TV advertisements. In order to capitalize on the authority strategy, an aspirin company used Robert Young, who played Dr. Welby,…

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Persuasive Strategies: The Norm of Reciprocity

The norm of reciprocity states that we treat or respond to others in a similar manner as to how we are treated. The Golden Rule and an “An Eye for an Eye” are examples of the norm of reciprocity stated in cultural norms. What does reciprocity have to do with sales? When you walk through…

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Persuasive Strategies: Consistency

When considering consistency as a persuasive technique, we’re looking at the frame of mind of the person whom we’re trying to persuade. People are more likely to be persuaded to act in ways that they perceive to be consistent with their beliefs and their past behavior. Cialdini states that one of the best ways to…

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Persuasive Strategies: Social Proof

Google “social proof and persuasion” and you will find many bloggers who have written on Cialdini’s six proven persuasive strategies. In my own search, the authors’ expertise ranged from radiology physicians, to web designers, to advertisers, to academics, to religious organizations, to public relations officers. This should provide some social proof that the persuasive ideas…

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Persuasive Strategies: Liking or “In the Eyes of the Beholder”

To understand the “Power of Persuasion” we can look at currency as an example. Money holds value for almost everyone and most individuals can be persuaded to action if there is a monetary reward. However, if someone offers you a currency that you cannot spend, then the currency has no value. Similarly, if your expertise,…

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