Ben Mueller
Originally from West St. Paul, MN, Ben Mueller began his network marketing career in 2005 with the Life Force International company only able to commit just a few hours per week. Alongside his network marketing business, he also has served as a consultant in various capacities including; network marketing, accounting, and overall business strategies.
After just 3 years of network marketing, he left his international accounting career and his business doubled when he put in a sampling strategy that he continues to recommend to other network marketing business builders. In 2015, he joined a group of professional network marketers and decided to build a business with FuXion. FuXion was an existing company that was expanding into the US market. Ben continues to drive his building of his business to benefit others and continues to be a teacher and mentor for other network marketing professionals. Ben has a wonderful wife, awesome kids, and spends the majority of his time, outside of family and business, coaching football, baseball, and hockey, along with a regimented workout schedule.
For other Network Marketing training, visit my channel on You Tube or visit my website. Always feel free to call me anytime with questions about the Network Marketing Industry at 866-992-5551!
Benjamin A. Mueller M.B.A.
Mueller Financial Freedom LLC
Consulting: Accounting, Business Strategizing, Marketing, MLM
Cell: 720-937-0843