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Time is Money

In the selling profession, the old cliché rings true, if you are not talking to a prospect or customer, you’re unemployed! How effectively do you manage your time? Do you spend your time as you would any other precious, nonrenewable asset, or are you the type of salesperson who is stressed-out, constantly jumping through hoops,…

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The basics of party plans

More and more networking companies are embracing party plans as a distribution model. Here’s an overview of how party plans work and how they can work for you. In the traditional party plan there are basic components and practices. Let’s start the discussion with the company. The company, as in any direct sales/network marketing company,…

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What is a Party Plan Anyway?

There has been a quiet revolution in the party plan industry. It is increasingly clear that party plan is not only successful, but also that the lines between party plan and traditional network marketing companies are starting to blur. In focusing on this important segment of the direct sales industry, it is important to define…

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Taming the motivation monster

One of the greatest mysteries we face is how to get, and stay, motivated. Some new research has found a direct route from your eyes to a unique part of your brain called the amygdala (ah-mig-da-la) that bypasses the conscious portion of your cerebral cortex (your thinking brain.) This has provided exciting clues about how…

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The Strength of Weak Ties: Getting Outside Your Warm Circle

MLM is known for its characteristic sharing of products and/or business opportunities with friends and family—close ties. New distributors typically want to share and are most comfortable sharing a product or opportunity with people they know. These are the people in their lives that are most likely to be supportive of their new venture. The…

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Setting Up Your Success Plan for Your Home-based Enterprise

What is it that some network marketers do to become successful while so many others struggle and become frustrated, overwhelmed, and stuck in analysis of paralysis? Here’s what I’ve done over the years to develop a full time, MLM career income and so have many other successful entrepreneurs in network marketing who are earning six…

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