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Create Relevant Facebook Content to Draw Traffic


Creating relevant posts is the key to creating a healthy Facebook following. Create content related to your product line. For example, if you sell bags create tips on organizing your bag. If you sell clothing or fashion jewelry create posts about fashion.

What you should not be doing is simply highlighting all the great things about your opportunity. While it’s fine to occasionally mention your opportunity, if that’s all your newsfeed consists of, you may as well send people to the opportunity page your company provides on the website and call it a day. A Facebook Page is more about creating a conversation, building relationships, and highlighting how great it would be to work with you. It takes work and commitment if it’s to be effective.

Here are some more ideas for creating content:

Share tips about running a business. These can range from time management to working at home with kids around to organization. These little training nuggets give people an idea of what it would be like to be trained on your team.

Share inspirational quotes. These are things that are motivating, and they show that you’re a positive person that’s great to work with.

Highlight stories about people on your team. Recognize the great things they’ve accomplished as part of your team. This shows prospects that you recognize people for their efforts, and helps them feel like they can accomplish great things with you too.

Provide links to business articles. These might be articles your company provides, or they might be from other places around the web. They could be about how to use technology for business, the good news about direct selling, charitable campaigns your company has run, etc. All of these articles highlight the value of working with a direct selling company, and you in particular.

Oh, and talk about your opportunity too. Occasionally talk about how great your opportunity is, because the people who follow it have opted in. But don’t beat people over the head with it. Rather, focus on highlighting what you love about the opportunity, as well as some of the benefits someone would experience as part of your company. Instead of “Join now” (which is really more about you) focus on “If you have this problem, here’s a solution provided by the opportunity” (which is more about them). See the difference?

Tips for driving traffic to your site

Ok, so now that your news feed, group, or page is set up with relevant content, here are some tips on driving traffic to your site!

Write engaging content. The more interesting and engaging your content is, the more people will interact with it. The more they interact with it, the more likely it is to show up in the news feed. The more it shows up, the more likely others will see that their friends Like your Page.

Create and Use Hashtag keywords consistently. Hashtags are still a great way that people search and post to find relevant content.

Create a group around an interest that is related to your product or service.

The most important part of all of this is the great content part. People will only be interested in your groups, news feeds, and page if there’s something in it for them. A steady stream of ads won’t do it. So focus first on solving problems for your target market, and the rest will come.

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