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Where in the World are Direct Sellers in 2021?

Is your company in multiple markets? Do you want it to be? Many direct selling companies do business in multiple countries. On average, the top 50 US-based direct sales companies operate in 33 countries (ranging from 1 to 165 countries). If you run an MLM, chances are you’re operating—or want to operate—in more than one…

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MLM Leadership: What’s Your Leader Style?

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” -John Quincy Adams In network marketing, if someone strives to be a leader and can inspire others to be successful, he or she will accomplish much. Everyone that joins a network marketing company has a sponsor/leader.…

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What’s a differential commission?

Differential commissions focus earnings based on a specific distributor behavior. A level commission stabilizes earnings and spreads the wealth. A differential commissions maximizes commissions to those who are performing the activity the company chooses to reward. How differential commissions work In a differential commission, each rank qualifies for a different percentage of the commissionable volume.…

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International Expansion for Network Marketing Companies

These days, a lot of network marketing companies are in a rush to expand internationally. Markets outside the U.S. are gathering steam and technology is making the leap easier and easier. My first experience working with an MLM company that was going international was nearly thirty years ago. Back in those days, companies were slower…

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Giving and Receiving Feedback

January is the time when many of us set out to change our behavior. An internet search on personal development yields 181,000,000 results. Topics range from positivity, to self-esteem, to leadership, to overcoming obstacles, to effective public speaking and many more topics. Personal development requires we fill the gap between real me and new me. Feedback…

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Why and how you should train your team

Training: High school football teams do it for the season and elite athletes do it for the Olympics. Corporate employees and sales teams do it, too. For many, running the stadium stairs has more appeal than spending the day in a corporate training session. Business training can feel tiresome, condescending, and perfunctory—a hoop to jump…

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Direct selling reaches out to the poor

In rich nations, […] leaders have uncritically accepted the myth that the poor have no money. In reality, low-income households collectively possess most of the buying power in many developing countries, including such emerging economies as China and India. If businesses ignore the bottom of the economic pyramid, they miss most of the market. Another…

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